Sedation Options at San Antonio Oral Surgery
Many individuals will not seek the essential dental care they need to ensure long-lasting oral health due to deep-seated dental fear or anxiety.
Unfortunately, avoiding even routine dental treatment can lead to serious oral health complications such as decay, making a tooth or teeth non-restorable.
When having third molar or non-restorable tooth removal, grafting or implants; some patients would desire sedation for these procedure.
At San Antonio Oral Surgery, our compassionate and well-respected oral surgeons, Dr. Jeffrey Wert
understands that dental apprehension can stem from a multitude of different origins.
When visiting our office for specialized care, we proudly help patients conquer this fear while maximizing comfort with our comprehensive sedation options.
If you haven’t yet received the specialized oral surgery care you need, contact our San Antonio oral surgeons to schedule your initial consultation, where treatment and sedation options can be discussed
What is Sedation in Dentistry and Oral Surgery?
The goal of sedation in our office is to provide a relaxing and anxiety-free experience while undergoing oral surgery procedure.
Sedation enables individuals to receive the surgical care they need in a comfortable setting.
What are Your Available Sedation Options?
We provide safe and effective sedation solutions to ease our patients into a state of complete relaxation. Our sedation options reduce pre-operative anxiety before the beginning of their procedure while continuing to provide treatment in a sedated and relaxed state.
Three sedation options include:
- Nitrous Oxide
- Oral Conscious
- IV (Intravenous)
In addition to each solution being adapted to your needs. You can will feel more at ease during and after treatment, as you may have little to no memory of the actual surgical procedure.
How Does Sedation Work?
Nitrous Oxide– otherwise known as "laughing gas,” is combined with oxygen by a mask over your nose. The gas will help you to relax. Our team controls the amount of sedation you receive, and the sedative feeling wears off quickly once your procedure is complete. This is the only form of sedation where after treatment, you will be able to drive home.
Oral Conscious Sedation- Sedation is achieved though the use of oral medications. Sedation levels can vary from minimal to moderate to deep, depending on the total dose given. At the right level of sedation, many patients do not remember their procedures. For this type of sedation you will need a driver to and from your procedure and nothing to eat or drink for 8 hours prior to your surgery.
IV Sedation - The sedation medications are given through a vein, which works faster than the oral route. This method allows us to adjust the sedation level continuously from minimal, moderate or deep. Most patients do not remember the procedure. For this type of sedation you will also need a driver to and from your procedure and nothing to eat or drink for 8 hours prior to your surgery
Can Any Dentist Perform Sedation?
No, only those with specialty training and those with the proper state permit can deliver the types of sedation described above. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons have up to a year of Hospital-based Anesthesia Training and so are eligible to deliver all levels of anesthesia in the surgical office setting.
Who is a Candidate for Sedation for Oral Surgical Care?
Your overall health, medications and allergies as well any medical conditions that you may have area all important for our team to know in advance. This will be discussed at the consultation appointment and if desired an appropriate and safe choice of sedation will be planned for your surgical care.
Conditions such as heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and respiratory diseases should all be addressed before administration of any sedation.
What Can I Expect When Receiving My Sedation?
If you and your surgeon plan oral conscious sedation the process is simple. Before the procedure, patients receive oral medication first. They are usually instructed to take a dose of the medication about at one hour before their appointment. This mean that you should receive assistance from a trusted friend or family member to get to and from our office. Once patients arrive at our office, their level of sedation is assessed and adjusted as needed with additional oral medication to achieve the appropriate level of sedation.
If you and your surgeon have planned an IV sedation the process is also simple. A small IV will be placed and the appropriate level of sedation achieved by administering the medications though the IV.
In either case, Oxygen (with or without Nitrous Oxide) will be administered and every patient is monitored thought out the procedure with state-of-the-art monitoring equipment.
After Your Appointment
Anyone that receives Oral or IV sedation will be expected to have a safe and reliable person to bring them to the appointment, relay in the office during the surgery. This individual will be given verbal and written Post-Operative Instructions. Then this trusted person will be expected to provide your transportation home.
Contact San Antonio Oral Surgery for More Information!
Dr. Wert provides compassionate Oral Surgical care, offering personalized comfort tailored to each patient’s needs. Schedule a consultation with our oral surgeon and talk about your oral surgery needs and discuss the options of sedation. Call our office today!